Parent Partner Volunteer Guidelines
Our Parent Partner Volunteer program is essential to the success of our school. The Parent Partner Volunteer Guidelines can found below.
What is my responsibility?
Serve a minimum of 10 hours per child in a calendar school year. A minimum of 5 hours per child must be completed by the Christmas break.
Can someone serve on my behalf?
Any family member (grandparent, aunt, uncle, etc.) or family friend may serve on behalf of a family in order to earn credit towards their volunteer hours.
Is there an opt-out option for Returning Families?
Returning families can pay $100 to opt out of up to 10 Parent Partner Volunteer hours per family or once per year. You must either choose this option when completing your financial agreement or notify us in writing of your desire to opt out of your PPV hours, NO LATER than August 31st.
How do I report my volunteer hours?
Once you complete your volunteer hours for a school approved activity, please fill out the online form using the link found on our Parent Portal page on our website, or by clicking here. Your hours will then be submitted to the school office and confirmed by the event coordinator or point of contact.
Examples of volunteer opportunities:
Your classroom Parent Advisor will contact you regarding upcoming school events that you can volunteer for or feel free to coordinate with your child’s teacher or office staff regarding other opportunities, including:
- Coordinate, plan or volunteer at school events
- Solicit donations for events/fundraisers
- Box Tops & Labels for Education Coordinator
- Assist with book fair sales
- Assist classroom teacher (specific, documentable duties assigned by the teacher)
- Chaperone field trips, dances, etc.
- Participate in school sponsored prayer meetings
- Assist with clerical needs in the school office
- Complete approved projects at home for school use
Is there an Event Calendar?
You can view our Parent Partner Volunteer Calendar on our website here.
What do Parent Volunteers do?
Parent Advisory Council Chairperson will have a daily schedule for parents, so their time is well spent. Some of your time may be spent in your child’s classroom helping the teacher. Other times may be spent supervising recess and lunch or making copies for the teachers. Other times you may be helping support a fundraising event. These are all just examples of the types of things you will be doing while serving your parent partner volunteer hours. The biggest benefit to your family is the opportunity you will have to learn more about your child’s teacher, schoolmates, and other parents.
I can’t serve my day, what do I do?
You should begin calling parents you have fostered a relationship with and ask them if they can switch a day with you. If after exhausting all families you have a relationship with and you are still unable to find a replacement, you need to contact your child classroom Parent Advisor. The Parent Advisor will then hire a substitute to come in for you for the day. Unfortunately, your family will be billed $15 per hour for every hour you were scheduled to volunteer at an event so we can hire a replacement. It not only cost the school to hire a replacement but it also depletes staff time to run around last minute to find your replacement. This is why it is absolutely essential that parents plan ahead and give as much notice as possible. This allows the best chance of finding another parent to switch days with you. Parents are responsible for finding their own replacement if unable to come on a scheduled day. Parents cannot opt to just be fined in lieu of serving.
What happens if I can’t serve because of illness or an emergency at the last minute?
If a family must miss their scheduled parent volunteer hours at the last minute due to illness or other extreme family situation and there is not time to switch days with another family, the family will be reassigned their parent volunteer day by the Parent Advisor. Parents cannot opt to just be fined in lieu of serving. The Administration will determine if your situation qualifies.
What happens if I make no attempt to find a replacement or don’t show up?
Families that do not show up to serve or make no attempt to find a replacement for their Parent Partner Volunteer Hours the parent will be given an Infraction, fined $100.00 and required to make up the hours.. If the make-up day or any additional days are missed, the family will receive a 2nd infraction, placed on Probation, fined an additional $150, and required to meet with the Principal regarding the situation. If after the 2nd infraction, the situation has not been reconciled, a 3rd infraction will be given and may be referred to the Board for Discretionary Dismissal. Parents cannot opt to just be fined in lieu of serving.
What should I wear and what about cell phones?
We ask that you dress appropriately for the activities you may be required to do (i.e. bending, stooping, sitting, etc…). Parents are also asked while parent partnering to keep their cell phones on vibrate and return phone calls only during their breaks. It is imperative that parents observe this request, as parents can distract students and/or they become distracted while they are supposed to be watching students or performing necessary tasks.
I didn’t serve my allotted hours, what happens?
If you do not serve the full volunteer hours you were assigned, and the time is not made up, you will be fined $10 for each hour not served. As an example: You serve 5 hours only. You would then be fined $50 for the missed hours (5 missed hours).
School hours
Class Hours 8:15am – 3pm Before Care 7:00am – 8:15am After Care 3pm – 6pm
Contact Us
1150 SW 20th Ave
Cape Coral, FL 33991
Office: 239-283-1022
Fax: 239-283-3430