Severe Weather Dismissal
Grades K-4 Severe Weather Dismissal
When the weather conditions prohibit a normal release of students during dismissal, we will initiate a severe weather dismissal and will not allow students outside until the weather conditions are safe. Severe weather includes: lightning; heavy rain, hail; or tornado-like conditions. During severe weather dismissal, your options are:
- Park your car in the parking lot and physically come to the front office with your car tag to sign your child(ren) out.
- Wait in the pick-up line until your child(ren) are released directly to you at the front of the school.
Please understand that this procedure will take longer than a regular dismissal. We appreciate your grace and understanding in the event of a severe weather dismissal.
- We will halt all car line operations when lightning is within 3 miles of the school.
- Please do not call/text to your child’s cell phone asking him/her to exit the building. Your physical presence or that of another approved adult friend/family member, is required to release your child.
We will notify parents via FACTS parent alert if a severe weather dismissal is in effect. Please make sure that the school has your current contact information. Grades 5 through 9 dismissal will continue as normal.
School hours
Class Hours
8:15am - 3pm
Before Care
7:00am - 8:15am
After Care
3pm - 6pm
Contact Us
1150 SW 20th Ave
Cape Coral, FL 33991
Office: 239-283-1022
Fax: 239-283-1022